Pubg xbox update
Pubg xbox update

  1. #Pubg xbox update update
  2. #Pubg xbox update Pc

(PC) Fixed the issue of flickering foliage and its slow loading speed in Erangel.Fixed the issue of the Drone icon’s pointer pointing the other way in both the Minimap and the World Map.Fixed the issue of players dying when trying to loot items through the Inventory while using a Self-AED.Fixed the issue of players being in an invincible state when using the Drone while Auto Running.Fixed the issue of DBNO messages popping up to players located outside the specific range.Fixed the issue of the Comeback Arena message popping up when a player, with its whole team wiped out, is spectating an enemy.Fixed the issue of having the same amount of throwables as another player’s after rejoining a game session.Fixed the issue of receiving unknown damage in the farm field near Go Dok, Taego when driving a three-wheeled motorcycle.Fixed the issue of the knocked out feed and message not appearing after knocking down an enemy outside a certain range.Fixed the issue of a player being seen in an abnormal position after getting knocked out while putting down a knocked down teammate.Fixed the awkward animation when reviving a knocked out teammate after carrying more than one knocked out player.Fixed the issue of being able to carry more than one knocked out player.(Consoles) Fixed the issue of the selection in the Inventory being automatically set to the bottom.(Consoles) Fixed the issue in Basic Training where players are only able to complete the shooting mission in ADS mode.(PC) Fixed the issue of the screen ping marker being marked to the player’s current vehicle instead of the player’s intended location when player is in a vehicle in ADS mode.(PC) Fixed the issue in Custom Matches where the Observer is unable to click the Confirm/Cancel buttons after using the Kick feature.(PC) Fixed the issue of a Blue Zone being spotted in Bootcamp, Sanhok (Team Deathmatch).(PC) Fixed the issue of bots unable to move to land from water.Unnecessary in-game assets, widgets, sounds, and animations have been removed from each game mode and platform to enhance in-game stability and loading speed.

pubg xbox update

  • The spray items’ spraying distance has increased.
  • The name for this option will be updated in the next 16.2 Update.
  • To make it more convenient for players to use shortcut keys for sprays, the Emote Shortcut setting will now have the option to activate spray items as well.
  • The Summary tab in the Match Report page now shows players’ combat records of kills and DBNOs.
  • Applied to Friends List, Friend Requests, Recent Players, and Team Finder.
  • (Consoles) The selection remains in its current spot when lists are refreshed.
  • Applied to Friends List, Friend Requests, and Recent Players.
  • (Consoles) The default selection is placed on the page’s very first player.
  • PUBG Friends / Platform Friends / Previous List.
  • The Previous List from the Friends List has been moved to a separate tab.
  • The colors of Miramar’s minimap have been slightly adjusted to represent a clearer and more realistic appearance.
  • Erangel / Miramar / Sanhok / Karakin / Taego.
  • Fixed spawn spots for the Porter have been added to Taego in Ranked Matches.
  • The spawn settings in Custom Matches have been applied accordingly.
  • The Mk12 will now spawn in every available map (Normal and Ranked).
  • Damage drop-off range increased: 75m → 90m.
  • Damage drop-off range increased: 50m → 60m.
  • Initial bullet speed increase: 780m/s → 880m/s.
  • (PC) Fixed the issue of the “Confirm” and “Cancel” texts not being shown in the KRAFTON ID terms and conditions for KAKAO.
  • (PC) Fixed the issue of players being able to move on to the next step without agreeing to the KRAFTON ID terms and conditions for KAKAO.
  • pubg xbox update

    Fixed the issue of the kill count and airdrop menu being shown in Training Mode.Fixed the issue of a buried tree near the Yong Cheon area in Taego.Fixed the issue of a destroyed Drone’s icon being shown as white on both the Minimap and World Map.Fixed the black screen issue when the introduction video for the Basic Training mode fails to play.

    #Pubg xbox update Pc

    Please note, any bullet point that starts with (PC) us for the PC version of PUBG only.

    #Pubg xbox update update

    PUBG Update 16.1 Patch Notes on PC and Consoles

    Pubg xbox update